Limitations of e-Commerce
• client/server risk
• data transfer and transaction risk
• virus risk
2. High start-up cost:
The various components of the cost involved with e-commerce are:-
• connection:- connection cost to the internet.
• hardware/software:- this includes the cost of a sophisticated computer, modem, routers, etc.
• maintenance:- this include cost involves in the training of employees and maintenance of web-pages.
3. Legal issues:- These issues arise when the customer data is fall in the hands of strangers.
4. Lack of skilled personnel:- There is difficulty in finding skilled www developers and knowledgeable professionals to manage and maintain customer online.
5. Loss of contact with customers:- Sometimes customers feel that they don't have received sufficient personal attention.
6. Uncertainty and lack of information:- Most of the companies has never used any electronic means of communication with its customers as the internet is an unknown mode for them.
7. Some business process may never be available to e-commerce:- Some items such as foods, high-cost items such as jewelry may be impossible to be available on the internet.