Q:- What is the MicroProcessor?
Ans:- Microprocessor is the brain of the computer, which does all work. It is Computer processor that incorporate all the functions of CPU.
                                  On a single IC or at the most a few ICs microprocessor where first introduced in early in the 1970s.

4004 was the first general purpose microprocessor used by INTEL in building personal computers.

Characteristics of Microprocessor
  1. Clock Speed
  2. Instruction Set
  3. Word Size
Clock Speed :- Every microprocessor has an internal clock that regulates the speed at which, it execuates instructions and also synchronizes it with other component.
" The speed at which the microprocessor executes instruction is called clock speed. "
  • Clock speed are measured in mHz or GHz where  1 MHz = 1 Million cycle per second  and  1 GHz refers to 1 Billion cycles per second.
  • Cycle refers to Single electric Single cycle.
  • Currently microprocessors have clock speed in the range of 3gHz which is maximum Current technoloogy came attain.
  • Speed more than 3gHz generate enough heat to damage chip itself.
  • To Overcome this, manufacturers are using multiple processor working in parallel on a chip.
Word Size :- Number of bits that can be processed by a processor in a single instruction is called its Word Size.
  • Word Size determines the amount of RAM that can be accesed at one go and total number of Pins on the microprocessor.
  • Total number of input and output pins in turn determines the architecture of Microprocessor.
" The first Commercial Microprocessor Intel 4004 was 4 bit processor. It had four input pins and four output pins."
The number of output pins is equal to number of input pins. Currently most microprocessor use 32 bit or 64 bit architectures.

Instruction Set :- A command is given to a digital machine to perform an operation on a piece of data is called Instruction.
" Basic set of machine level instruction that a microprocessor is designed to execute is called its Instruction Set."
These Instruction do carry out these types of operations:-

  • Data Transformation
  • Arithmetic Operation
  • Logical Operation
  • Control Flow
  • I/O and Machine Control