Microprocessor is an essential component of the computer. It is a silicon chip that comprises million of transistor and other electronic components that process millions of instruction per second (MIPS).
A microprocessor is a versatile chip that is combined with memory and special purpose chips and pre-programmed by a software.
It accept digital data as instruction and process it according to the instruction stored in the memory.

The microprocessor has mainy function like function of data storage, interact with various other devices and other time related functions but the main function is to send and receive the data to make the function of compute well.  
Evolution of Microprocessor
Evolution of Microprocessor

Types of Microprocessor :-

Microprocessors are classified into five types:
  1.  CISC-Complex Instruction Set Microprocessors
  2. RISC-Reduced Instruction Set Microprocessor
  3. ASIC- Application Specific Integrated Circuit
  4. Superscalar Processors
  5. DSP’s-Digital Signal Microprocessors.